Go and Do, Teach

Matthew 28:16-20

16 Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, into a mountain where Jesus had appointed them.

17 And when they saw him, they worshipped him: but some doubted.

18 And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.

19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:

20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

Let’s elevate our understanding to a deeper level.

We frequently invoke this scripture to propagate the gospel, but have we truly grasped its essence? Now, let’s delve into its spiritual significance.

When Jesus declares that He ascended and met with them at an appointed time on a mountain – not in a forest or on a plain – there’s a profound message underlying this choice. It signifies His intent to elevate your comprehension to a higher plane.

The imagery of the mountain holds great symbolic value. It represents a place of transcendence, where one climbs beyond ordinary terrain to attain a panoramic view. Metaphorically, it signifies rising above the mundane, ascending to a vantage point that grants a broader perspective.

When Jesus chooses a mountain as the setting for His teachings, He’s inviting us to ascend with Him, to leave behind the constraints of the commonplace and reach for a more elevated understanding. This isn’t merely physical ascent but a spiritual one – a call to rise above limitations, biases, and preconceptions.

By ascending the mountain with Jesus, you embark on a journey of transformation. As you climb higher, your perspective broadens. You gain insight into deeper truths, fostering a connection with divine wisdom. The mountain serves as a metaphorical classroom, a place where the veil of ignorance is lifted, and you are initiated into spiritual insights.

Moreover, the appointment aspect is noteworthy. It signifies divine timing – a moment specifically chosen for your growth. Just as a plant requires the right conditions to flourish, you too are positioned in a season conducive to your spiritual advancement.

So, as we contemplate this scripture, let’s not merely skim its surface. Let’s heed the invitation to ascend the mountain of understanding. Embrace the metaphor, climb with purpose, and allow Jesus to unveil higher truths. In doing so, you’ll cultivate an enlightened perspective, unveiling layers of divine wisdom that transcend the ordinary and elevate your spiritual journey.




Then the Spirit of God will lead you and give you strength during the times of challenges.


Points to be taken:

1) He prepares you.

2) He strengthens  you.

3) He makes you an example.



And in Matthew 28:18 is giving you a blessed assurance that Jesus has all the power and authority is given to Him.


After providing the assurance needed, you are subsequently tasked with the responsibility of instructing and guiding others. This pivotal moment marks the transition from mere commitment to active engagement. Armed with your knowledge and experience, you step into the role of an educator, a mentor, and a guide. Your mission is not only to disseminate information but also to inspire and empower those under your tutelage. As you embark on this journey, you realize that your words and actions hold the potential to shape minds, steer perspectives, and ignite passions. Each interaction becomes an opportunity to sow the seeds of understanding and foster growth.


However, the path of an instructor is not always straightforward. Challenges may arise as you strive to bridge gaps in comprehension and navigate diverse learning styles. Patience becomes your companion as you unravel complexities and find innovative ways to convey ideas. The responsibility to teach is accompanied by the responsibility to adapt – to tailor your approach to suit the unique needs of each individual.


Communication skills become paramount, for the success of your instruction hinges on your ability to convey concepts clearly and inspire curiosity. Your role extends beyond the mere transmission of facts; it is about facilitating a deeper connection with the subject matter and nurturing a thirst for knowledge. By creating a supportive and inclusive learning environment, you encourage questions, discussions, and a free exchange of ideas.


As you witness the progress made by your students, a sense of fulfillment envelops you. The transformation from uncertainty to mastery, from doubt to confidence, is a testament to the impact of your guidance. And yet, humility remains at the core of your approach. You understand that teaching is a reciprocal process – as you impart wisdom, you also gain insights from the fresh perspectives of your students.


In the grand tapestry of education, your role as an instructor adds a vibrant thread that weaves together generations of learners. Your influence ripples through time, shaping the trajectory of individuals and contributing to the collective growth of society. So, as you step forward to fulfill the mandate of teaching, embrace the journey with an open heart and a receptive mind. For in empowering others with knowledge, you enrich both their lives and your own.


Even Mark 16:20 reinforces this concept as it states, “And they went forth, and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen.” This passage underscores the profound idea that throughout this journey, you are in a collaborative partnership with the Divine.

As you embark on the mission of teaching, you align yourself with a higher purpose. Your efforts become an extension of a greater plan, where your dedication to sharing knowledge intertwines with the cosmic forces of growth and transformation. The passage from Mark reminds us that as you venture forth to disseminate wisdom, the Divine presence accompanies you, empowering your teachings and validating the truths you convey through tangible signs and manifestations.

Your role as an educator is elevated to a sacred task, one that bridges the earthly and the spiritual realms. The verse suggests that the work you undertake is not isolated but is a harmonious endeavor involving both human initiative and divine intervention. As you impart knowledge and guidance, you become an instrument through which the universe orchestrates learning and enlightenment.

In this partnership, your intention and sincerity play a crucial role. Your dedication to the betterment of others aligns with the divine purpose of growth and elevation. Just as the verse speaks of signs following the teachings, your impact becomes evident in the growth, understanding, and positive changes observed in your students.

However, it’s important to acknowledge that this partnership doesn’t exempt you from challenges or hardships. Instead, it infuses your efforts with a sense of purpose that transcends immediate difficulties. The collaboration with Him who brings strength and resilience, enabling you to persevere even in the face of adversity.

So, as you step into the role of an educator, remember that you are not alone. You walk hand in hand with a higher force, co-creating a path of learning, transformation, and empowerment. Approach your teaching journey with reverence and humility, recognizing the profound significance of your partnership with the Him.


Command us to:

1) Lead – Be an example

2) Disciple 

3) Teach

4) Send people out to duplicate


For a true impact to be made, it’s essential for Him to be in partnership with you, while you serve as a reflection of His essence. In this symbiotic relationship, you become the vessel through which His teachings, values, and virtues are duplicated and extended to create a profound influence within your community and beyond, reaching out to touch the wider world.

This concept emphasizes the interconnectedness between your efforts and His guidance. It’s not merely about disseminating information, but about embodying the principles he represents, integrating them into your actions, and allowing them to shine forth in every aspect of your interactions. Just as a mirror faithfully replicates an image, you reflect his teachings through your deeds, conversations, and the positive energy you radiate.

The notion of duplication speaks to the transformative power of your role. As you internalize and exemplify his teachings, you set an example for others to follow. Your actions become a living testament to the principles you stand for, and in turn, inspire those around you to adopt similar values. This ripple effect extends the reach of his teachings far beyond your immediate sphere, as each person you touch becomes a catalyst for further positive change.

The impact of this partnership goes beyond your immediate community. By taking your role seriously and embodying his teachings authentically, you contribute to a global tapestry of positive change. Your actions become threads that interweave with others’ efforts, creating a unified force for good that spans continents and cultures. This interconnectedness demonstrates the potential for individuals, collectively united by shared values, to bring about meaningful change on a global scale.

However, it’s important to recognize that this partnership is not one of control or dominance, but a shared purpose. Just as you replicate His teachings, you also add your unique perspective, experiences, and efforts to the equation. This synergy enriches the partnership and ensures that the impact you create is genuine and resonant.

So, as you continue to uphold this partnership, remember that your actions carry a profound resonance. By being a faithful replication of his teachings and values, you contribute to a legacy of positive transformation that reaches far beyond the confines of your immediate surroundings, echoing through time and space to shape a better world for all. Go Duplicate!

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